A very brief history
From 1990 to 2004 we operated an organic farm on this beautiful 40 acres. Now we operate an organic food buying club and put on monthly full moon concerts. We are situated in gentle valley with a creek running through it at the end of a one mile access road with 6 other neighbors along the road.

Drive Slowly and Watch for the Deer
All the neighbors ask is that we drive slowly and respect the land and especially the deer. When they see you coming the will start to run and jump the fence. Stop and let them jump the fence. Sometimes there are small deer in the group and they take time to find a spot that they can jump the fence. So if you stop and wait they won't be panic and they will be able to hop the fence without getting caught in it.

If you have an RV with a generator we ask that you camp at the rear of the parking area or if you want to be in the camping field pick a place that is away from tent and van camping. Let me know by email if you are bringing an RV with a generator and I will set up an area if necessary. My email is

Food Vending and Supplies
Food vending will be open from Friday to Sunday morning, and we will have a supplies shopping table that will take orders for things that you may need like cigarettes or ice, or hot dogs, etc. and we will go into town 3 times a day and shop for everyone. We would like to eliminate the traffic going out on the access road. It would really help us out here if you let us go for supplies. Pretty much once you are here please stay and we will bring in what ever is needed.

Keeping the venue small - less is more
The Farm to Family Full Moon Concerts are quite unique. I don't believe that there is any monthly event like it anywhere and I am excited that we have the opportunity to include the YouTube Family in the event. We realize that we could easily flood this rural location with people but to keep things cool with the neighbors we are only offering 500 YouTube tickets to this event.

Neighbors are our friends
I once asked Amy, our nearest neighbor, if the show were bothering her. She said, "no, not at all as a matter of fact one of our horses really likes the music and goes over to the fence and hangs out". Our neighbors along the road are our buffer from county interference in these wonderful magical events. As long as they are not complaining we are able to enjoy our "Music Club" events. So it is our responsibility, all of us that come here, to respect each other, the land, and the neighbors. Happy neighbors will make for happy festivals.

Children are Free and so is camping
I should mention that all children to about age 12 that come with parents are free, and there is no charge for camping.

Please go to the directions page

Here is the weather link:
so you can check on the weather and bring appropriate clothes for day and evening. Also if you have an umbrella for sun shade you will be glad you brought it. Weather Radar and General Forecast